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Assessments: Ranking Questions

Your assessment will have a total of 20 questions, each with 4 sentence statements that will be ranked in order from:

  1. Most like you
  2. More like you
  3. Less like you
  4. Least like you

All questions must be answered and all statements must be ranked in order to complete the assessment.

Each question we have the same general interface, with 4 sentence statement at the top, 4 ranks and their rank boxes, a progress bar, and one or more buttons at the bottom that will allow you to move between questions.

In order to rank a statement for a question you will use a pointing device such a mouse, trackball, or trackpad OR your finger on a touch device to select a statement and drag it to the rank that matches how you feel about that statement in response to the question.

First, select a statement by hovering your pointier over the statement, clicking, and holding down the button. On a touch device use your finger to select the statement, tap, and hold down.

Now you can drag the statement to one of the boxes next to a rank. Continuing to hold down on the button on your finder, drag the statement to the desired rank box. The box the statement will be dropped into will be highlighted with a black border around it.

You can now release the button or your finger and this will "drop" the statement into the appropriate ranking box. Once a statement has been ranked it will be greyed out in the top panel of four sentence statements. If you need to re-rank this statement you can repeat the procedure by picking the statement up from the ranking box and moving it to your new desired rank position.

Note: If you are accessibility software, such as a screen reader, and experiencing difficulty with our interface please contact us and we can offer you an alternative experience that will work better with some types of software.

All 4 statements are considered ranked when each statement is placed next to a rank.

After you have ranked all 4 statements, you will select the "Next" button at the bottom of the screen, below the progress bar, to move on to the next question. If you are on the last question, question 20, and have ranked all the statement you can select the "Complete" button to submit your assessment. The "Previous" button can be used to go back a question and review your answer if you need to make a change.